Quaint little Cuenca.
Las Casas Colgadas, the hanging houses. This is the most famous hanging house in Cuenca and was turned into an abstract art museum about a decade ago. A lot of restoration has been done to this house so it is very safe to be in it, but it was still a little thrilling to look out the windows and see down the side of the mountain. I really enjoyed the art in this museum, especially a piece entitled "Jacob's Ladder" and one that looked like a collage of construction paper, reminding me of elementary school. On the bottom level there is an exhibit of poetry and sketches that are super good.
Here is cute Megan on an awesome bridge we found.
There are these neat fountains found all around Cuenca. Doesn't this guy look really depressed?
This is a Tortilla de España, kind of like an omelet with potatoes and onions, and a Zarajo, pig intestines, the traditional food of Cuenca. I devoured the tortilla, but I couldn't get pass the texture and taste of the zarajo. The smell of the zarajo lingered in my nose for the rest of our trip.
I am thoroughly impressed by your adventureousness in trying new foods!!
Looks like you are having fun! At least you tried the intestines...
Way more brave than I am! Yuck!
Yum. Your pictures are so pretty though.
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