
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Favorites: Flamenco

Before I get to the meaty post about our week long trip to southern Spain I would like to just say that flamenco is the BEST!!! "You have not lived until you have seen live flamenco."

(Thanks Kim for the awesome photo!)

We went to a show in Seville on Friday night. At first when the guitarist and vocalist began I wasn't sure what to think, and then the male dancer came out. His red shoes made all the difference. A lot of the performance reminded me of "Lord of the Dance" meets hoedown, but really it's incredible.

Please go here (courtesy of Mark) and here (scroll down some to the second video clip -- courtesy of Jessie) to see some illegal footage of what we saw.

We have already bought our tickets to see "Carmen" at the end of the month in Madrid. (Sierra, I think you need to learn how to do a little flamenco or put some of moves into a dance of yours.)


Sierra said...

oh crazy tristan

Malaina said...

Wow, I´m kind of jealous! I play all kinds of classical guitar music by a famous Spanish composer and a lot of the titles have names of Spanish cities you´ve been to! After Argentina I will go to Spain, and after Spain you can come to Argentina (and see the tango :)

Hey Jude! said...

K I have some serious jealousy oozing out of my ears and down to my toes! I think you need to learn some of these moves...

Hey Jude! said...

p.s. I want to go on these trips to Argentina and Spain!