
Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend rain in P-town

A backyard view through the rain.

Dad and Chad did a service project up at Mia Shalom and collected some Fall colors and I cut and put them in vases to bring a little taste of the season in our home.

Homecoming hair-do, an Audrey Hepburn "Breakfast at Tiffany's" knock-off.

(In Progress.)

Hot and Talented!

The famous dress does it again. It will be worth "hundreds of thousands one day!"


Stacia said...

Ummm, AMAZING! I love everything from the leaves to the Miss Hepburn. I'm so glad you posted those pictures. I am so proud of you-- florist to stylist to English teacher. What don't you do, T?

Sierra, you look absolutely gorgeous! Did you like Homecoming? Was it raining the night of the dance? Did Provo win?

Sierra said...

I liked homecoming, yes. It was raining off and on the whole day, yes. And Provo lost hard core but the half -time show was soooo good it didn't matter. The dance we did was prit-tie sweet, i'm not gonna lie.