
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Can Write

I can write. I really can. Discouragement is only fuel for the moment.


debbie said...

The one thing I know absolutely about you is this: you are persistent when someone tells you that you lack the skill to do something. You NEVER let disparaging comments stop you. When you were 4 years old and learning to ride a two wheeler, you spent an entire afternoon riding it down the back lawn and walking it back to the top. You would not even stop when I told you to try another day. By the end of the afternoon you could ride the length of the lawn without falling. (Riding on the road was much easier than on the grass, but you didn't want skinned knees.) You can write. Just shake it off and get back up on that bike.

Hey Jude! said...

Anyone who writes stuff like "discouragement is only fuel for the moment" can definately write.